I've been trying to add a menu item (Bluefish) to my Gnome Applications ->Internet->Create Web Pages menu item. I've installed Bluefish and I can execute it by the bash command "bluefish" as a user but not as root (su). I used Nautilus to go to "applications:///Internet" and then clicked on "Create Web Pages". That brought up a window with four applications (such as Quanta Plus). I right-clicked on an empty area of that window and selected "New Launcher". I used the name "Bluefish" and the command "sux -c bluefish", selected an icon (irrelevent). When I clicked the OK button, the Create Launcher window went away but nothing else happened. I tried one version with "Run in Terminal" checked and one without. Same result. I even tried using the command "x -c bluefish" on the theory that if sux meant super-user x and I don't was the superuser command... That didn't work either. Can anyone give me the general procedure to add a menu item? I'd appreciate it. Don Henson