On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, William Sandman III wrote: ws> Greetings all, ws> ws> I'm working to integrate my UPS with my SUSE 6.2 system. At ws> present I'm using Tom Webster's genpowerd package, which I've used ws> successfully on SuSE distributions in the past. ws> I'm not familiar with genpower, searched on freshmeat and couldn't find hide or hair of it anywhere so I can't help narrow the problem down. But I wanted to ask if there are actually two commands used? I see below theres a genpowerfail and a genpowerd, from init scripts I normally see, they would be the same with a start and stop rule within it. Again, I couldn't find the package so I can't verify this is the case. ws> pf::powerfail:/sbin/init.d/genpowerfail start ws> po::powerokwiat:/sbin/init.d/genpowerd stop ws> ws> Note the difference in the arguments being passed to genpowerd in ws> each case. "start" is sent under power fail conditions and stop should ws> be sent when power is restored. Under SuSE 6.2 however the stop argument ws> is never sent to genpowerd. init, it appears, never checks the file ws> /etc/powerstattus, or if it does, it fails to respond properly by ws> executing the command associated with powerwait in inittab. ws> ws> Has anyone else noticed this behavior? Is this FEBCAC, or time for ws> a bug report? If it's FEBCAC, help this lowly hacker with the fix you ws> found, since I'm pulling out what precious little hair I have trying to ws> figure out why my results are not as advertised. ws> ws> I did notice in the man page for init that this method of ws> communication with is "discouraged" and I expect will eventually be ws> deprecated. For the time being (and until I can get time to rewrite the ws> interface for genpowerd) I'd like to make sure that there is a problem ws> with init before I file a bug report. ws> ws> Any help, observations, ideas or suggestions will be happily ws> received. Thanks in advance. ws> -- S.Toms - tomas@primenet.com - New homepage coming soon SuSE Linux v6.2+ - Kernel 2.2.13 ... I'm IMAGINING a sensuous GIRAFFE, CAVORTING in the BACK ROOM of a KOSHER DELI!! -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/