I have been using a dual boot system all along, and it works fine with most variations of Windows.
I have read before that you need to install windows first
Assuming you mean the order of install, and NOT the physical location on your drive, it is not absolutely necessary to install Windows first and then Linux.... just simpler.... especially if you are new to Linux and don't want to mess about setting up LILO manually and re-writing your MBR. The SuSE install will identify the fact you already have another OS installed and usually automatically configs LILO correctly for you.
1. Do you need to boot with a floppy when you do this, why would it just read the lilo booter, unless you put it on the MBR sector of the hard drive.
You can boot from floppy if you want to... or you can write LILO to the MBR. Each method has it's good an bad points. Windows will generally work fine with LILO written to the MBR - assuming you configure LILO correctly. Linux also boots fine if you choose to write LILO to a floppy. I used the 'LILO on a floppy' method for 2 years before I got around to transfering it to the MBR.
2. Is there a place I can go to get reallly good directions for this, or do you all know a place or how to do this?
A Google search on "windows linux howto dual boot" gives you some resources to read about doing the dual boot thing. I can also give you a few tips, suggestions, and pointers if you let me know: - what Windows version you are installing - what SuSE version you are installing - if you are doing a fresh install or shrinking an existing Win install - how much drive space you have Clayton