I have spent the last 3 days trying to get 7.1 to print. In that time I have read both Printing-howto and PrintUsage-Howto, all that I can find in the Suse documents, and the deja linux archives and many other web resources, including the BSD handbook. It is obvious from the posts I read in the archives that my problems are not unique. At first I was trying to print to a netware printer using the ncp package which works fine in connecting to my netware server. I gave that up and connected a printer locally to lpt1. I can print text to this printer from the command line: cat myfile.txt > /dev/lp0 so I know that the printer is connected and working. I have followed the documentation on setting up a queue and filters in both yast and lprsetup/aspfilter and none of this stuff works. From message archives that I have read, I am convinced that this is a black art. I am an experienced network admin and with accurate documentation and newsgroup/list archives I can handle just about anything. But the resources available for linux printing seem woefully inadequate. I sure would appreciate any pointers to resources I have missed or anything else that might get me going. thanks, Otto Porter