I have just upgraded one of the nodes of my LAN from a rather elderly Pentium to an Athlon 750 MHz CPU (and does it only move rapidly, I'm really pleased). I'm currently running SuSE6.4/KDE2.0.1 and am very pleased with only one problem, I can no longer access my LAN The system used to access the network on boot, it no longer does this. If I manually attempt to insmod ne.o I get the following: ne.o: unresolved symbol ei_open ne.o: unresolved symbol ethdev_init ne.o: unresolved symbol ei_interrupt ne.o: unresolved symbol NS8390_init ne.o: unresolved symbol ei_close I would appreciate some assistance in resolving this problem. Thanks in advance.. Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D. Life is a fuzzy set Foundation for Chemistry Stochastic and multivariant 614.486.4076