On Saturday 01 March 2003 12:43, Thomas Widlundh wrote:
Soon I'm giving it up. It works perfectly in windows. Why will it be so hard in linux? It's not appealing to people to use linux.
It is very easy and works perfectly in Linux too. Use the line-in of your sound card to make wavs. Then use this command to create the audio cd from the wavs you made: cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 speed=4 -pad -audio /home/bryan/Wavs/*wav In the example above, substitute the actual path where you saved your wavs. Also, depending on how your system is set up, you might need to be root to do this. *************************************************** Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4 This is a Microsoft-free computer Bryan S. Tyson bryantyson@earthlink.net ***************************************************