* Timothy R. Butler <tbutler@uninetsolutions.com>:
2) Get Junkbuster. (less bandwidth and image rendering)
<rant> I have to disagree with you whole heartedly on this one. Junkbuster hides ads, and ads are the price of free information. If you disable ads, you are stealing my and every other ad-based web site's content. If everyone disabled ads, there would be a lot less free information on the web. It's just not fair to the people working hard to bring you the content you enjoy.
I have my reasons... * I never click on ads. That leaves the profit made from loading an image. * Ads are distracting. I hate animated gifs, especially when trying to read a text. Why should I have to be distracted by an animated gif of something that I am uninterested in when I can replace it with a white box? * Sites with advertisements do not explicitly request that you view the ads. Perhaps if they did, I would just leave the site. Also, this would justify the strange claim that I am stealing. * An ad at the top of a page will (often) load completely *before* the content is displayed. This is stealing time from me. * I use w3m 50% of my web time. It cannot display inline images. Would you tell me to dutifully load every ad into an image viewer before being entitled to view your site? Would I be stealing if I didn't? Ads are not for everyone.
I should mention that there was a discussion on advogato which discussed all of these points from both perspectives: http://www.advogato.com/article/86.html david. -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/