On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, you wrote: I understand that the latest Red Hat linux upgrade versions can be downloaded in ISO image format, each image being that of one CD-ROM of the set. This apparently is very convenient, since each download can be written to a CD-R and one needs only 3 CD-ROMS to get the basic system running. Can anyone tell me whether this is also an option with SuSE ? This seems to be an easy and sure way to avoid the hassle of kernel re-compiling. Thanks in advance - Roy Roy, That,my friend is a million-dollar idea and should be presented to the head honcho of SuSE.Unfortunely I don't know his(or her)extention # or even if he/she can be reached at 1-888-875-4689. It seems that Red Hat is on to something wonderful .Their idea,if also used By SuSE would make so many people happy.If this is not an option w/ SuSE it should be. PS think of the shorter threads about ISOs,Mr.Mahmood!