Hi Jeffrey! I have a PC with Suse linux 9.0 whith a SCSI DDS-2 tape drive (4 Gb) that will be my backup server. I have another machine (that is my nis, nfs, dhcp, etc... server) that will be my Amanda client and want to do a full backup once a month and a incremental backup every week of the /home directory (20 Gb, so I will use 5 tapes on every dump) of this server. I have a fell questions: 1- How can I choice on that week day tha backup will happen? 2- How I can say when the full backup will happen and when the incremental backup will happen? Thanks, Adilson PS: There is my amanda.conf file: org "Backup quinzenal" mailto "dilcruz@yahoo.com.br" dumpuser "amanda" inparallel 1 netusage 1000 Kbps dumpcycle 4 weeks runspercycle 4 tapecycle 5 tapes runtapes 10 tpchanger "chg-manual" tapedev "/dev/nst0" rawtapedev "/dev/nst0" tapetype Sony-GDG120P labelstr "^quinzenal[0-9][0-9]*$" holdingdisk hd1 { comment "holding disk principal" directory "/dumps/amanda" use 800 Mb } infofile "/var/lib/amanda/quinzenal/curinfo" logdir "/var/lib/amanda/quinzenal" indexdir "/var/lib/amanda/quinzenal/index" dumpuser "amanda" define tapetype Sony-GDG120P { comment "Sony DDS2 Premium DGD120P Tape" length 4096 Mbytes filemark 0 kbytes speed 2213 kps } define dumptype global { comment "Global definitions" } define dumptype quinzenal-server-best { global comment "Backup do /home/ usando tar e compressao server-best" compress server best dumpcycle 0 holdingdisk yes program GNUTAR record yes index yes priority high }