Please confirm: 0 status in boot log means success and the deamon is actually running? In other words there is no reasons to expect it to stop running? If so they why would the deamon not show up on a "ps -A" unless it has stopped running? I have this happen with portmap. Would it be correct to assume that if "ps -A" cannot see the deamon running then it is NOT running? I have this happen with portmap. 1 status is a failure to run because of a dependecny failure. I have this happen with processes that portmap works with such as ypserv, ypbind, nfsserver, etc., and this results in failed servcies (nfs, smbfs, autofs all of which require portmap) in runlevel 5. 6 status is failure of the deamon to execute I don't know the others (2,3,4,5, and 7) The comments in the config files provide a short definition for status values and I assume they apply universally? Ted