On Tuesday 23 August 2005 12:42 pm, Henne Vogelsang wrote:
On Tuesday, August 23, 2005 at 12:33:34, Donald Ade wrote:
On Tuesday 23 August 2005 06:56 am, Henne Vogelsang wrote:
im looking for people who are willing to create a unified theme for the *box window managers (openbox, blackbox, fluxbox) based on the new wallpaper by Ken (/usr/share/wallpaper/suse10*) for inclusion into SUSE Linux 10.0. Anyone willing to do that?
I'd like to participate. you can look at some of my work @ kde-look.org (http://www.kde-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=dadeisvenm )like houghi suggested. If you want you can post your inquiry there and hopefully you'll get a good response.
I dont see what *box themes have to do with kde-look.org
It doesn't really (have anything to do with box themes)... but (houghi) and I are reffering to the artistic linux community (a large amount at kde-look.org) that are willing to contribute to this subject. Alot of the artist there can do mock-ups and designs to give you what you want. Are there *box artist communities?
If you can get (or if they are reading right now) the Marketing folks at Novell or the Lead Developers involved we can make a competition of it :-D
A bit much for some small themes to some small windowmanagers or?
Not at all what are artist for but for art. That what we do. :-)
- Donald P.S. You like "The Wire" ? You will like next seasons storyline. :-)