On 10/27/22 14:54, Robert Webb wrote:
Since it didn't appear to be there in the first place, I would be tempted to move libreadline.so.4 "back" to /lib64 and see what happens, if you haven't changed anything else in the meantime.
That'd be "tap dancing on land mines". If some yast process or otherwise triggered ldconfig again, you would be back in the same boat. Bottom line, since libreadline.so.4 did not belong to any rpm on the system -- it should not be there. However it got there, it was the cause of KDE puking and falling over looking for a symbol that doesn't exist in that library. Reading the tea-leaves, the crux of the problem is KDE doesn't enforce a soname on libreadline selection and will apparently load the first one it finds in the shared object cache. If you put libreadline.so.4 back on the system, the same issue that started this tread can reoccur. -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.