The NEC 4x4 is a Nakamichi I worked for an OEM which sold them. Likely the others are the same. Not maintained they never wrote drivers for Win 98 so people abandoned them. Check for the original makers site. What is needed is a real multiple drive in one perhaps external USB. To fit internally they used the old record changers method of dropping disks onto one another tending to scratch. On Wed, 2006-07-05 at 20:24 +0200, pelibali wrote:
I received two CD-changer apparatuses for free and would like to setup both on my SUSE 9.1 system, mainly for testing/learning purposes. The first drive is an internal one with IDE and 6x CD-changer (manuf. in 1997); the second one is a "NEC Multispin 4Xc, CDR-C302" external SCSI drive for 7CDs (made in 1995).
For the external SCSI one I have no cable at present, but the internal one with IDE I attempted to test already. I inserted it as primary slave with no problems and loading the 6 CDs went also OK; each LEDs above the keys responsible for each tray were lit, but "only" yellow. Under Linux in fact I saw the drive itself, but couldn't manage to really listen to music in any way, because no audio CD was found. Maybe the state of the yellow LEDs showed the same, could be that green is the winner...
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