-----Original Message----- On Sat, 2002-12-28 at 23:47, Michael Sacco wrote:
Hello all. I recently set up a wireless router with my internet connection, and bought a Microsoft mn-520 wireless pcmcia adapter for my laptop. I have SuSE 8.1 and have had no luck at all with setting it up. I was wondering if people have had any luck with this card or any other card, and if maybe I should go with some- thing else or not?? Thank you in advance.
You may want to check the list archives as I asked about wireless PCMCIA cards about 3 weeks ago. The resulting answers from this list indicated that Netgear 401 cards were a fair choice, other cards did not get as many votes in this unscientific poll. Regarding setting up your Microsoft card, what have you done or attempted in order to set up the card? what specific results did you get? Do you know if the microsoft card is based on the orinoco or prism or other chipset which is supported under Linux or does it use a proprietary microsoft chipset? -- Ralph Sanford - If your government does not trust you, rsanford@telusplanet.net - should you trust your government? DH/DSS Key - 0x7A1BEA01 Thank you, Ralph. From what I have tried, I believe that it is based on the prism2 chipset. I downloaded the linux-wlan tarball and built and installed that, and tried to configure the card, to no avail. Everytime I do a "ifup eth-pcmcia-0" it fails, saying no valid interface. The prism2 module does get loaded at boot, and does pick up the pcmcia card, as "dmesg" showed me. This card does work under WindowsXP, so I know it's not a hardware problem.