On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 09:58:48 +0100 PR <prooroa@wanadoo.nl> wrote:
should I make just port 80 available for is a win98 machine with IE5 as browser is the linux box with the masq etc and the apache running. when entered on the winbox: http://localhost/index.html nothing happens.... do you know why? piet
You need to enter on the winbox or you might be able to enter your name as listed in /etc/hosts If the name in /etc/hosts dosn't work; make sure your server address is setup in /etc/httpd/httpd.conf to use that name. It is easier to use the As far as restricting access to port 80 for your internal net, it is better than "trusted nets"; especially if connecting with windows. :-) You can't trust a windows machine. FW_PROTECT_FROM_INTERNAL="yes FW_SERVICES_INT_TCP="80" FW_TRUSTED_NETS="" -- $|=1;while(1){print pack("h*",'75861647f302d4560275f6272797f3');sleep(1); for(1..16){for(8,32,8,7){print chr($_);}select(undef,undef,undef,.05);}}