3 Aug
3 Aug
On Wednesday 03 August 2005 7:50 am, Synthetic Cartoonz wrote: [snip]
I hope this doesn't spell the end for a consumer SuSE distro in a box. The SuSE printed docs are excellent and worth every penny of the retail price tag.
The reason I went with SuSE instead of Red Hat was due to Red Hat abandoning the consumer boxed distro. (And being about twice the price of SuSE at that time didn't earn them points either.)
Please let the lizard continue living in the box.
It WILL - don't worry. It'll still be available. Fred -- Planet Earth - a subsidiary of Microsoft. We have no bugs in our software, Never! We do have undocumented added features, that you will find amusing, at no added cost to you, at this time.