michael norman wrote:
If it is the case that if I move it as I was thinking of doing it won't boot then I'll back up what I need and reinstall it. Thanks for all the suggestions so far.
If you already have the disk partitioned, made active (startable), and formatted, you can drag and drop the whole windows drive to this new partition in Windows Explorer, with the critical exception of win386.swp. Since this file is under the Windows directory, I usually select all but that directory, drag and drop it to the new drive, then create the Windows directory on the new drive, open the Windows directory on the old drive and select all EXCEPT win386.swp, and drag it to WIndows (or instead of drag and drop you can copy/paste). To be sure, run sys (drive letter, i.e. c:), and if the partition is startable, it will work. I have copied many Windows disks this way (repair of course). Drag and drop seems to bypass some of Windows error checking which allows it to work in spite of Micro$oft. HTH. I don't know if GRUB will fake out Windows that it is booting on C (IDE 0 /master), but hope so. :) BTW, you can also boot Windows on the D drive by changing the boot device in BIOS. -- Joe & Sesil Morris New Tribes Mission Email Address: Joe_Morris@ntm.org Web Address: www.mydestiny.net/~joe_morris "All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen." --Ralph Waldo Emerson