Thank you a lot for the suggestions (especially the possibility to set limit for users). I decide to go hyper-threading way. An upgrade to Dual Core CPU or SMP both request replacing all of: * motherboard (current mother board do not support any of Dualcore CPU or SMP) * memory bank (old DDR cannot be used) * CPU (old CPU cannot be used because there are no known SMP board can use the 478-pin Celeron This is way too expensive for the budget, thus I decide tomorrow go to buy Pentium 4 3.2E hyper-threading CPU to replace the existing one, further expend memory to 2GB.
On the upgrade thing... I just recently did an upgrade and was facing the same budget concerns as you are. I wanted a dual core but couldn'y yet justify the cost for the new ram and video as well as CPU and motherboard. I opted for an AMD X2 dual core... and put it in an ASRock S939Dual-SATA2 (just Google on it and you'll find loads of info on it). This motherboard has both PCIe and AGP for video, and can use the regular DDR ram. This way you can get the benefits of the new hardware on a budget. Point to note though.. I am experiencing some rather annoying problems since I upgraded to this hardware, but it appears to be related to a couple BIOS settings, and some possibly faulty cables. C. -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the archives at Please read the FAQs: