Changes towards the 200112291721 version: Point (2) reply-to-list supplemented, as suggested by Ben Rosenberg; Point (3) Error messages supplemented, as suggested by David Mc Glone. TITLE: How do I receive attention to my question on the list? SuSE VERSION: Any AUTHOR: Wolfi (Wolfgang Zerrmayr) <> QUESTION: How do I receive attention to my question? How can I get good answers from the list? ANSWERS / RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Choose a specific subject Many experienced people on this list receive such a lot of emails, they will 'automatically' delete messages with a non-specific subject (e.g. 'one question' or 'help me' or 'newbie problem'). E.g. if your update from 7.2 to 7.3 made you lose your internet, then write: 'Update 7.2 -> 7.3 lost my internet connection'. 2. (Try to) Make a short post For same reasons as stated in (1). If you think of a mailer with a splitted window, message list on top, and preview below, it would be most convenient if the whole message fitted in the preview. Cut surplus stuff when replying, especially the SuSE mailinglist information will be re-attached each time, so just delete it. To make it clear, cuts can be marked with (...) or [...] Reply only to list (good email clients offer you this option) and not to all to avoid duplicates. If your email client has no reply-to-list option, then just hit reply and change the recipient to SuSE list <> 3. Include all necessary information Which hardware, which programs (versions!) are concerned, which SuSE release, which kernel ... Also include error messages or any other evidence you have been receiving, but only in plain text to save bandwidth. 4. (Try to) Use correct grammar and spelling I know this is not so easy for some of the foreigners. But I am one too, so please re-read your message for mistakes before sending it. If you are not familiar with English, maybe a mailing list in your native language is also existing? 5. Threading Post your question by means of 'New Message'. Do not reply to an arbitrary post, erase the subject, and fill in a new one. Advanced mailers have the 'threaded view' feature which sorts messages the way they belong to one another, and this gets messed up if another issue comes up in the old thread. Maybe your message will then be inside a longish thread which 3/4 of the list is already ignoring, the damage will then be with you for losing answers! To make it clear: A thread is a history of replies and their dependencies and therefore reply should only be used within one thread and not to start a new one. 6. Be friendly :-) No explanations required, I hope :-) Mark jokes with :-) or :o) [depending on what kind of nose you have:-)] to make it clear you are joking. Not everybody will automatically understand it, especially if it's complicated - this is an international list and not everyone is an English professor. If something is not directly related to SuSE Linux, add an [OT] in the subject line. ============================================= Hope that's ok ... In case I forgot something, feel free to complete the list !! Wolfi ============================================= _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at