I have just purchased an Epson Stylus CX5200. SuSE recognizes everything fine and the scan test in the USB scanner setup returns a nice b/w scan. However, I installed the scanner last evening and then when I restarted my workstation this morning I had to re-do the scanner setup. Also, I cannot get Kooka to work with the scanner, and I have an error in xsane for which I need more info. In kooka it sees the scanner but then when I attempt to do a preview scan or final scan, nothing happens. kooka --version reveals the following: ~> kooka --version Qt: 3.1.1 KDE: 3.1.1 Kooka: 0.40 Anyone had any experience with this scanner or had any similar problems with Kooka? Now with xsane I get the following error: ~> xsane xsane: error while loading shared libraries: libgimpui-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I have read that this lib was packaged with gimp 1.2, however, I have just installed the ULB packages for gimp which are version 1.3.19. Is there a way around this? Do I need a newer version of xsane? If so is this available via SuSE ftp (I did not find one)? Any information on this subject will be greatly appreciated. TIA, Darrell Cormier p.s. The printer portion works great. No problems (and quite nice I might add).