Hello all, I'm a bit new to the RAID thing, and just bought an EPoX 8k9A motherboard. I connected 2 HDs, each to a different RAID IDE connector, and set up a RAID-0 configuration over the two 60GB disks. I then tried to do some installs. Windows 98 (games, honestly, just games!:) fdisk only recognizes it as an 51 GB setup (haven't gone beyond that), and although SuSE 8.1 recognizes the raid configuration correctly (121 GB), it fails when trying to create and setup the partitions. When not in RAID configuration (desperate attempt last night) both disks can be fdisked and formatted without any trouble, but as RAID they are not very cooperative. Does anyone have any idea what might be the problem? Any information I need to add to make an answer possible? Regards, Pieter Hulshoff