* Dennis (dlbt@starhub.net.sg) [030223 01:41]: ->My KDE3.1 was running ok for a while but out of sudden the task bar lock ->up totally. Nothing can be done on it, but the screen still operating. -> ->My suspect was the weather applet causing the lockup as before this ->happened, the kweather applet is not running well (not updating). -> ->I can't kill the kweather now and the system ultilisation is about CPU: ->>95%.
Yes, I've had weird behavior out of the KDE weather applet over the last few days. I had to kill it and then remove it from the panel. You can kill it using top.
Thank you Ben, I killed the applet and deleted the setting file in /kde/share/config and re-add the applet, now it is working but still not updating accordingly? I also changed the permission to 775 for the weather setting file, no better :( Anyway, I am suspecting that the server is not updating?? will leave it there for a while before deciding whether to keep or kill it. Have a nice weekend :) Dennis