Marcus Meissner skrev:
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 03:25:55AM -0500, David C. Rankin wrote:
Ken Schneider - openSUSE wrote:
Lew Wolfgang pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
David C. Rankin wrote:
Kuddos to the Project Team,
And the rest who had a hand in settling on an 8 month release cycle to replace the six-month shotgun approach that has seemingly killed QA for every distribution that has tried it. Good job.
But that means that 11.2 is eleven-months away!
How can 11.2 be 11 months away on an 8 month cycle? Since 11.1 was released December 2008 11.2 will be released in July 2009.
That's the best part, 11.2 is slated for November 2009 release. Let's see how much unscrewing up can be done for a clean working 11.2.
I've just completely given up on 11.1 for new installations going to regular users, so I guess we'll have time to really become comfy with 11.0.
Yep, I've resigned to being comfy with 11.0 (which I am) until 11.2 arrives. I can't spend 2 hours out of every day writing bug reports. (though some days I do)
It's been a while since we have had an openSuSE release where you just loaded it and pretty much everything just worked. 10.0 (SuSE) and 10.3 are the last 2 that come to mind. I see the extended release cycle as curing a lot of the raggedness of the past 2 releases.
This is very strange, both 11.0 and 11.1 work fine for me and are better then their predecessors... :/ (ok, discounting KDE 4...)
Ciao, Marcus
Dear listmates, - please allow me this humble statement, do not flame me.. - whenever a mate of mine says "pls install Linux on my new laptop, I wish to get rid of Windows for whatever reason(s)", I install Ubuntu. I'm not very pleased to do this. But my experience is "it generally just works". Ok, I need to install propietary drivers and VLC, but that's just about it. openSuSE is my professional choice. Absolutely. But I have a "feeling" that sometimes things are rushed out the door, most likely due to some (Novell?) suits, pressing people to do so. Quality suffers. So the Linux Torvalds line "...release when it's ready" would perhaps differentiate openSusE from the rest. One example is the dreadfull story about Knetworkmanager, which now and then causes trouble (I've been told that it's being worked uppon as of writing). In Ubuntu, I've never had any wireless troubles at all. Mind you, I'm certainly NOT picking on the developers, they do a GREAT job. I wish I had the programming skills that these guys have :-) But I am picking on the mantra that says fixed dates of releases. -- ------------------------------ Med venlig hilsen/Best regards Verner Kjærsgaard Open Source Academy +45 56964223 Novell Certified Linux Professional 10035701 ------------------------------ -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse+help@opensuse.org