Hello A strange thing happened. I use two boxes dayly and both are running fine. So I updated both of them to to run KDE 3.1 (Suse packages from ftp.kde.org). Now, both works fine, but the other of them, for some strage reason, won't let start Quanta using [Alt-F2] and typing "quanta". Instead, I was prompted to type root password in a dialog to install it "yast2 -i quanta". Well, I have Quanta installed in both boxes. The Quanta starts fine in the troublening box, when I start it from Konsole or from an icon on desktop I created. But I really want to start Quanta (and most of apps) using [Alt-F2] and typing two or three letters. Starting any (mayby) other app (KDE app or not) using [Alt-F2] seems to wotk fine. How to get rid of this annoyance? -- --Jyry :-( C:-/ C========8-O C8-/ C:-(