On Tue, 19 Jan 2016 18:47, jdd <jdd@...> wrote:
I often have to use "rsync --delete" to mirror two very large archives usb disks.
for safety reason, I would like to mount the source read only.
usually I just mount disks in dolphin and use rsync from dolphin xterm. But like this disks are mounted rw
is there a simple way to mount a disk ro as user?
in Dolphin, the action seems to be done by kde-open5, but options do not show ro
options] urls... Un outil en ligne de commandes pour les opérations réseau transparentes
Options: -v, --version Displays version information. -h, --help Displays this help. --noninteractive Non-interactive use: no message boxes. If you don't want a graphical connection, use --platform offscreen --author Afficher les informations sur l'auteur. --license Afficher les informations sur la licence. --desktopfile <file name> The base file name of the desktop entry for this application.
Arguments: url Fichier ou URL
thanks jdd
Interrims solution, if your source has a consistend mount-point: Create a [nice-name-here].desktop file / starter with the following EXEC= line: EXEC=xdg-su -u root -c /usr/bin/mount -o remount,ro [source-mount-point] Not the nicest (ask for root), but works for sure. Plug the disk in, (it will be mounted read-write), then use the created "program" from above, which will change the drive from read-write to read-only. (You can validate that with a simple call to "mount" in a terminal) Then you can operate (more) safely. - Yamaban.