Anybody know if SuSE has any kind of program or relationship with Linux User Groups? The local OCLUG (Ottawa C_____ Linux Users Group) was large and active, the last time I looked, but they were all using RH, Debian, Mandrake or several lesser-known distros. Hardly anyone admitted to running SuSE. It seems to me that having a connection with LUGs would be a useful marketing tactic for a Linux company. Sponsor some 'install-fests', maybe provide some speakers for their major gatherings, put up some door-prizes... By the way, everyone over here pronounces it "Suzie" (when they mention it at all, which is rare...), though I understand the purists insist on "susuh" or "suseh". That might be a slight marketing barrier right there, unless SuSE were to play it up and make a bit of fun with the name, to get us Nordamericanos talking about it. /kevin (in Ottawa, Canada)