Paul Sims wrote:
No such thing as a free (or very cheap) lunch.
I would be looking at the cable that feeds the Video signal to the monitor. I had an old 386 laptop that did almost the exact same thing. The cable was starting to crack up from being opened and shut all the time. Pulled another cable out of a wreck, and voila! one working laptop. Worth a look anyway, and you'll probably be able to recover the $100 by wrecking it if it turns out to be deeper than that :-) -- Regards Don Hansford ECKYTECH COMPUTING Surfing the Net (without crashing) With SuSE 6.4 Linux (Thanx Linus!) "Microsoft democratised the computer market and served as a catalyst in making computers available to everybody. Later, however, they did as many revolutionaries do -- they became dictators. History has taught us the inevitable fate of dictators." -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at