Jeremy, On Friday 21 January 2005 18:00, Randall R Schulz wrote:
The package that contains this functionality is
The closest named package installed on my 9.1 upgraded to KDE 3.3.2 level "a" is gtk-qt-engine-0.3-44.
Where did you get this package? From the Guru's RPM site (<>)? I don't see it there, in either the SuSE 9.2 or the 9.1 section.
It appears that package is not available for SuSE 9.1. The closest match in the 9.1 section is gtk-qt-engine-0.5-1suse91.i686.rpm.
However, <> has a listing for this package: <>. but the link it refers to cannot be retrieved.
Oops. Editing error. That last sentence was supposed to have been deleted. The source package cannot be retrieved, but the binary is accessible, both the 92 and 91 I got by manually editing the URL.
Randall Schulz