*** Reply to message from Henry Standing <lists@opml.co.uk> on Thu, 28 Oct 2004 10:50:40 +0100 One more candle and a trip around the Sun***
Why is it not left on by default?
because a lot of people complained I'd guess <G> CLI guys can be a tad cranky about colours . And it's reletively easy for the *initiated* folk to turn on should they desire it. uh, for the newer members (C)ommand (L)ine (In)terface And if you go to the SuSE IRC channels they are really firm about the "no Colours" allowed . W/ you Suse box, and most of the IRC clients available to you on your install disks you can safely go to most of the Suse channels for more immediate assistance and occassionally a chat w/ a Suse luminery or two. -- j -- nemo me impune lacessit