heres some documentation i found while searching the net to set up ur cable modems in linux.. it uses rh to do it with but since linux is linux no matter what distro u r using it shouldnt be to hard to get up and running.... im gonna give it a try when i get home from work tonight. but the documentation has a diffrent ethernet card than what @home gave me i got a intel fallon should be the same in principal though.. i called @home techs and was asking about the security of the network and they said that all their @home users were behind a firewall, and that if they were ever hacked it would be by another @home user. i also asked them about running my linux box and they said that even though i wouldnt be using their software with it ...that it would still be protected by their firewall.. well anyways heres the urrl i found hope it helps any @home users out if ya get urs running email me back and tell me what all u did so i can get mine running.. heres 2 attachments also one is a rar and the other is a zip archive of some html docs i found i would have just tar`ed them but im in winders right now..sorry???? <HR> <UL> <LI>application/x-unknown-content-type-PowerDesk Archive attachment: _home.rar </UL> <HR> <UL> <LI>application/x-zip-compressed attachment: </UL> N§²æìržzǧué[h²ë)îÅ맲æìržzˬyÊ&ÚuØÚÊ&©Ý²Ç§ué[h²ë)îÅè^.±ç([(rØ^¶m§ÿðÃ.±ç(ô®Š+·ðèïÅ