Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 06:35:07 -0500 From: Mark Hounschell <> Subject: kmp3 broken after xf4.0.1 and kde2 upgrade Don't know which one it was but after installing kde2 and upgrading to xf4.0.1 from x4.0 kmp3 no longer plays mp3's. I have kde2 and kde1 living happily together (it seems). Every thing else seems to work ok. The new kde2 mp3 player kaiman plays them when I login using kde2 but When I login using kde1 kmp3 doesn't put out any sound. It says it's playing but no sound and no increment of the progression indicators. Any one else seen this. I've got 3 machines all doing the same thing after these 2 upgrades. Under kde1 and kde2 xmms still plays them. kmp3 is the only one that won't????? -- Mark Hounschell