Hi! Trying to kill the keyboard, mlankton@home.com produced:
Yes, I'm on cable and I have noticed a big slowdown since monday. I figured a major hub blew up or something, it'll get fixed.
Raymond Doetjes wrote:
Is it me, or is the whole internet alot slower this week. I make use of 3 internet accounts and it seems like a crucial router has been down.
Well, it's September. All the new students getting their accounts. All the clueless newbies crashing in on the net. All of them surfing and looking at and downloading PIX. Everyone is unhappy for a while, and that includes the machines. Still wondering why the net is slow? :-) On a related note, do computers have feelings? Do they differ from operation system to operation system? Does a Sparc with Linux feel different on the average than an Alpha with Linux or a 'standard' intel-Linux Box? How does switching computers off change their mood? Do they want blood sacrifices? Is there a life after formatting the HD? -Wolfgang PS: :-) -- PGP 2 welcome: Mail me, subject "send PGP-key". If you've nothing at all to hide, you must be boring. Unsolicited Bulk E-Mails: *You* pay for ads you never wanted. Is our economy _so_ weak we have to tolerate SPAMMERS? I guess not. - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e