On Tue, 2005-05-24 at 08:59 +0200, Hans Witvliet wrote:
Hi all,
I was told, that when building a config for a new kernel, you could use the current kernel-configuration by specifying "make oldconfig"
probably i missed something cause it look much differently.
Situation: Old 9.0 release (for this i still have to use 2.4 kernel) Default SuSE kernel (still in /usr/src/linux) is linux-2.4.21-70 Its .config is about 47KB in size
In my home directory, i got the 2.4.30 tree. After "make mrproper clean", i do a make oldconfig Resulting .config file is just 21KB
And its not just the size.
From instalation, it uses, for instance, reiserfs. When browsing through the resulting .config, i noticed that reiserfs was not even set. Many others were also missing.
(just for the sheer curiosity, i did a make dep; make bzImage; make modules modules_install, copied the result to /boot, changed the grub-file and gave it a try. Just as i expected, no show!)
Did you run mk_initrd after copying the files to /boot ? -- Ken Schneider UNIX since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE since 1998 "The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners." -Ernst Jan Plugge