offerings also and decide on using those instead of Ms Office.
I'd like to add a comment regarding MS Office. There is no way that OpenOffice (or ANY other office product) is ever going to beat MS Office. Even if Open Office were to be better than MS Office some day, it still wouldn't. Today, even if companies wanted to use OpenOffice or some alternative product, they will be forced to use MS Office. The reason being that the US goverment (or at least the DoD that I am aware of) requires on government subcontracts for all documentation to be delivered in MS Word format. It used to be WordPerfect a few years ago. Back in those days even if you wanted to use Word, you had to use WordPerfect because that is what you customer wanted. If the customer (the government in this case) had been satisfied with Word Pefect for so long, then why switch to Word all of a sudden? What happened to all the investment that they had made in WordPefect? Clearly Bill Gates all upper management people in M$ have the power and contacts up there to influence such decisions. Who knows---they might have paid several individuals big $$$ to make the decision to switch to Word and dump WordPerfect. So unless the OpenOffice community can come up with some magic like that, I am afraid, we'll have to live with the piece of crap for the rest of our lives (Have you ever tried to create a large document in Word with Graphics?) What we need is the government make a decision for all documentation to be delivered in "XXXXX Office for Linux". Untill that happens, all of us will be slaves to Bill Gates. Salman