On Sunday 13 August 2006 18:30, Andreas Hanke wrote: [...]
There is nothing to be fixed about sources availability. No problem => Nothing to be fixed. It's really a non-issue.
Non-issues like this one are the typical result of fake GPL violation claims like the recent one on Groklaw: They multiply themselves infinitely. Just stop it.
Andreas Hanke ===========
You can blame that if you like, but I suspect it only played a small part in renewing the issues many of us have had for a while with source files & SUSE, Andreas. If you guys arguing want to ignore it, that's fine. We can agree to disagree. No new rules need to be made for anything. I would just like there to be things made simpler, more obvious to all users. Linux has to get that way and the programs as well or it will continue to be viewed as a geek hobbyist OS. regards, Lee