Richard Mixon (qwest) wrote: I would check if you really are seeing all headers. Outlook does have a message source view, at least Outlook Express has that feature.
****Snipped from /etc/amavisd.conf ****
# SpamAssassin settings
# $sa_local_tests_only is passed to Mail::SpamAssassin::new as a value # of the option local_tests_only. See Mail::SpamAssassin man page. # If set to 1, SA tests are restricted to local tests only, i.e. no tests # that require internet access will be performed. # $sa_local_tests_only = 1; # (default: false)
I would recommend to comment this out, spamassassin will then query several online databases to compare the message hash to known spam. It does enhance the detection rate.
$sa_mail_body_size_limit = 150*1024; # don't waste time on SA if mail is larger # (less than 1% of spam is > 64k) # default: undef, no limitations
I think I set the limit to 256 kBytes. Though it doesn't do much harm to leave it as it is.
# default values, can be overridden by more specific lookups, e.g. SQL $sa_tag_level_deflt = 3.0; # add spam info headers if at, or above that level $sa_tag2_level_deflt = 5.0; $sa_kill_level_deflt = $sa_tag2_level_deflt; # triggers spam evasive actions
if you set $sa_tag_level_deflt = -20 practically every mail will have the spam score header, so you can also see the score for normal mails.
#$sa_spam_subject_tag = '***SPAM*** '; # (defaults to undef, disabled) # (only seen when spam is not to be
That one defines the subject tag. Enable it if you want to filter for subject phrases.
#$sa_spam_modifies_subj = 1; # may be a ref to a lookup table, default is true
This is what you need to enable if you want the subject of the message to include a subject tag. Sandy