On Friday 04 October 2024, Knurpht-openSUSE wrote:
Op vrijdag 4 oktober 2024 01:35:17 CEST schreef -pj via openSUSE Users:
Hi, machine here openSUSE Tumbleweed 20241002. I would like to migrate Thunderbirds personalized/settings and mail accounts to another machine. Instead of going through and manually setting things up from default on the other machine. Is this a fairly common and straightforward procedure? Can you tell me how preferred to do this? The other machine is same TW snapshot also.
-Best Regards
rsync the homedirs?
I would normally do something like: sudo rsync -a --one-file-system -HAX --sparse --progress /home/ host:/home/ -a: archive mode (recursive and permission preserving) -H: preserve hardlinks (so hardlinked files don't get duplicated), -A: copy Access Control Lists (if any), -X: copy extended attributes (if any) --sparse: recreate sparse files, files with sequences of non allocated blocks in them. This would prevent a 10GB file full of zeros but with no blocks actually allocated, from being replicated as a real 10GB file. I always put the trailing / on the home/ in both source and destination to force them to be precisely as stated (or you end up with /home/home). Michael