This is why, in the UK, there are complaints about false advertising about what you get for what you pay. Last year, there was a TV show comparing performance of various ISPs in Canada. As part of the test, they timed how long it took to download a Linux distro. Bell Canada was by far the worst, taking hours (I don't
Basil Chupin wrote: think they actually completed the download) to do what my ISP (Rogers) was able to do in under half an hour. The tests showed that none of the ADSL providers were able to deliver advertised performance, but Bell was the worst. Rogers, with cable modems, was able to deliver very close to the advertised speed. I have experienced the same at home. I have a 10 Mb down/1 Mb up services. When I run a speed test I generally get better than 9.8 Mb down and often slightly exceed 1 Mb up. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: