Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 18:31:03 -0600 From: Jeffrey Taylor <> Message-ID: <20001202183103.A5739@elendil.bearhouse.lan> Subject: Re: [SLE] time-zone Why you anyone run some other OS :) Thank you for straightening this out. Jeffrey Quoting Ole Kofoed Hansen <>:
This so-called myth comes from the fact that if Linux is not running when the change to/from DST occurs, Linux wont change the time. (How should Linux know that you did not have some other OS running at the time, which made the switch?)
If you have the hardware clock set to GMT, it is the locale that translates from GMT to your time-zone that handles how to translate the time depending on the time of year. This will work just fine independently of whether Linux was running when the clock changed.