MPlayer can use the RTC device to synchronise audio and video very accurately. This is necessary on some of the software based el-cheapo soundchips that motherboards come with. A friend of mine has one of these. When watching movies as root, all is fine, but as normal user (where MPlayer doesn't have access to the RTC), the sound runs away. I've seen this on a few boards, one of them was a Gigabyte GA-7DXE. MPlayer docs suggest either making the RTC readable by normal users (I did a chmod a+r /dev/rtc, but it still didn't work), or installing MPlayer suid. How do I do this? I tried stuff like man suid or man setuid, with no luck. Thanks Hans == Download ringtones, logos and picture messages at Ananzi Mobile Fun. http://www.ananzi.co.za/cgi-bin/goto.pl?mobile