-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Sunday, 2019-12-29 at 18:21 -0500, David T-G wrote:
...and then Carlos E. R. said... % ... % cer@Telcontar:~> telnet isengard.valinor 80 % Trying % Connected to isengard.valinor. % Escape character is '^]'. % hi? ... % % Apache does talk, but I do not know the language. [snip]
cer@Telcontar:~> telnet isengard.valinor 80 Trying Connected to isengard.valinor. Escape character is '^]'. GET / Connection closed by foreign host. cer@Telcontar:~> Well, that is the problem. When doing it in the same host, it responds correctly: cer@Isengard:~> telnet isengard.valinor 80 Trying Connected to isengard.valinor. Escape character is '^]'. GET / <html><body> <h1>Welcome to Isengard</a></h1> <h3>Letras: \ | @ # € </h3> <h2> <a href="/ficheros" title="Ficheros">[ficheros]</a> <br> <a href="/ficheros/mirrors" title="Mirrors">[Mirrors]</a> <br> ... which is correct. In "/etc/apache2/global.conf" I changed: #LogLevel warn LogLevel debug Still I get the same useless log output - doesn't seem to be any more verbose: error_log: [Mon Dec 30 01:45:41.393474 2019] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 3535] AH00170: caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully [Mon Dec 30 01:45:41.508018 2019] [apparmor:error] [pid 14984] (1)Operation not permitted: Failed to change_hat to 'HANDLING_UNTRUSTED_INPUT' [Mon Dec 30 01:45:41.509358 2019] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 14978] AH00163: Apache/2.4.33 (Linux/SUSE) configured -- resuming normal operations [Mon Dec 30 01:45:41.509349 2019] [apparmor:error] [pid 14985] (1)Operation not permitted: Failed to change_hat to 'HANDLING_UNTRUSTED_INPUT' [Mon Dec 30 01:45:41.509595 2019] [core:notice] [pid 14978] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/httpd-prefork -D SYSCONFIG -C PidFile /var/run/httpd.pid -C Include /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d//loadmodule.conf -C Include /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d//global.conf -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -c Include /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d//include.conf -D SYSTEMD -D FOREGROUND' [Mon Dec 30 01:45:41.510742 2019] [apparmor:error] [pid 14987] (1)Operation not permitted: Failed to change_hat to 'HANDLING_UNTRUSTED_INPUT' [Mon Dec 30 01:45:41.511513 2019] [apparmor:error] [pid 14983] (1)Operation not permitted: Failed to change_hat to 'HANDLING_UNTRUSTED_INPUT' [Mon Dec 30 01:45:41.511674 2019] [apparmor:error] [pid 14986] (1)Operation not permitted: Failed to change_hat to 'HANDLING_UNTRUSTED_INPUT' isengard.valinor-access_log: - - [30/Dec/2019:01:45:15 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 710 "-" "w3m/0.5.3+git20180125" - - [30/Dec/2019:01:45:45 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 710 "-" "w3m/0.5.3+git20180125" /var/log/apache2/isengard.valinor-error_log: [Mon Dec 30 01:45:15.575394 2019] [apparmor:warn] [pid 14948] (1)Operation not permitted: [client] aa_change_hatv call failed [Mon Dec 30 01:45:15.576162 2019] [apparmor:error] [pid 14948] (1)Operation not permitted: [client] Failed to change_hat to 'HANDLING_UNTRUSTED_INPUT' [Mon Dec 30 01:45:45.321874 2019] [apparmor:warn] [pid 14984] (1)Operation not permitted: [client] aa_change_hatv call failed [Mon Dec 30 01:45:45.322739 2019] [apparmor:error] [pid 14984] (1)Operation not permitted: [client] Failed to change_hat to 'HANDLING_UNTRUSTED_INPUT' This apparmor thing seems to be a bug. A decade old bug. <https://www.drupal.org/forum/support/installing-drupal/2008-01-19/server-error-500-apparmor> <https://lists.rosenauer.org/pipermail/evergreen/2016-August/001937.html> No clue why it appears, but seems unrelated to my problem. Also no clue what may cause my problem. - -- Cheers, Carlos E. R. (from openSUSE 15.1 x86_64 at Telcontar) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iHoEARECADoWIQQZEb51mJKK1KpcU/W1MxgcbY1H1QUCXglLNxwccm9iaW4ubGlz dGFzQHRlbGVmb25pY2EubmV0AAoJELUzGBxtjUfVLLgAoJTDzWxRhGlRMRCp52Ui EiYe3hQCAJ0Vdow2rb8iHLmwvIiCwvvtTp4j0w== =+1ID -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----