29 Jan
29 Jan
Hi. On 1/29/06, Walt Frampus <racerpup2@comcast.net> wrote:
I have windows on the first hard drive and suse 10.0 on a second hard drive. I went to mount /dev/hda1, which is windows to get some files from it but it said that it couldn't find a fstab entry for the drive. I know that I can boot into this drive. what would be the correct entry that I would have to add to fstab?
It depends on what filesystem type does Windows use FAT32 or NTFS. If it is FAT then right entry might look like: /dev/hda1 /windows vfat ro,user,noauto 0 0 For NTFS: /dev/hda1 /windows ntfs ro,user,noauto,uid=<your login>,gid=<your group> 0 0 gid=<> and uid=<> are needed to enable you to access windows' files as user (otherwise only as root). CU, Roma.