On Wednesday 03 August 2005 00:04, Anders Johansson wrote:
On Wednesday 03 August 2005 00:50, SheridanJ West wrote:
On 8/2/05, Anders Johansson <andjoh@rydsbo.net>
You really think this'll help? Do you also call people to tell them their phone is out of order?
Where did i leave that megaphone ? THERES A MUPPET ON happy.
Not in the least. This is the wrong place to complain about it. It won't do you a blind bit of good. Everyone on the list is getting the same mail
Either suse-linux-e-owner or the "muppet"'s mail admin. This list is about the most wrong place you could find
It seems he has an megaphone but no hearing aid. -- If Bill Gates had gotten LAID at High School do YOU think there would be a Microsoft ? Of course NOT ! You gotta spend a lot of time at your school Locker stuffing underware up your ass to think , I am going to take on the worlds Computer Industry -------:heard on Cyber Radio.:-------