Just curious; Are the menus broken system wide, or for 1 users only? Does it get broken after selecting "gnome-sesssion" from kdm or directly after installing the ximian rpm's? Does it help to run /sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.susewm? This can be achieved via SuSEconfig --module susewm. If not perhaps the script can provide ideas to correct the ximian stuff :) Op dinsdag 26 februari 2002 20:34, schreef KMcLauchlan@chrysalis-its.com:
Maybe we should ask the question differently.
Has ANYBODY used both SuSE 7.x and Ximian-Gnome and gotten their SuSE menus to properly integrate/appear within the desktop menu system?
-----Original Message----- From: Marcel Lecker [mailto:volvox@telusplanet.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 1:58 PM
Has anyone heard anything yet? I have the same problem, and it's rather frustrating.
-----Original Message----- From: Kevin McLauchlan [mailto:kmclauchlan@chrysalis-its.com] Sent: February 26, 2002 7:42 AM
On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 06:22, Dorin Titiriga wrote:
HJow to put back in ximian desktop and in suse 7.3 the
original SuSE 7.3
menus ?
I asked the same question on the Ximian user list.
There's a FAQ on the Ximian website, but it is NOT satisfactory for SuSE.... maybe it works for people with Red Hat or Debian, I don't know.
Anyway, they seem to think that it is sufficient to just bring back the SuSE menu structure (into the Ximian-Gnome structure), without any of the applications and applets. I thought that was kinda useless, and said so.
As somebody on the Ximian user list mentioned, your SuSE apps can still be run from command line, but that's not much help when you are trying to use a GUI.
-- Richard Bos For those without home the journey is endless