I'm getting errors spewed out in dmesg which relate to a Logitech Webcam connected to my Linux box. I found if I unplug the webcam from the USB port while the microphone is active in either a VoIP application or just simply recording ambient noise with Audacity, it can cause the kernel to become unstable and 1 time actually caused a kernel panic. That's not your normal use case but still should not happen. Just to rule out my hardware, I connected the USB webcam to a Fedora box which is a completely different machine with totally different hardware and the same exact errors occur. The bug reports below outline the same errors, and beneath those links are a copy/paste of what I found in journalctl. Sometime there are no errors at all, other times there are. IIRC if I am in a VOIP app like Mumble and unplug the mic (yet not transmitting) the errors can start spewing out. It comes and goes. Has anyone else had issues like this with Logitech USB microphones or webcams, or other brands? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1319457 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/354220 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=746914 [37531.217306] retire_capture_urb: 19 callbacks suppressed [37536.562424] retire_capture_urb: 16 callbacks suppressed [37541.853545] retire_capture_urb: 18 callbacks suppressed [37547.087664] retire_capture_urb: 18 callbacks suppressed [37552.311786] retire_capture_urb: 25 callbacks suppressed [37557.929915] retire_capture_urb: 26 callbacks suppressed [37563.024026] retire_capture_urb: 12 callbacks suppressed [37568.557152] retire_capture_urb: 20 callbacks suppressed [37573.779270] retire_capture_urb: 13 callbacks suppressed [37578.816386] retire_capture_urb: 23 callbacks suppressed [37584.198509] retire_capture_urb: 16 callbacks suppressed Other times I get these errors: Jan 24 12:30:57 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally Jan 24 12:30:57 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally Jan 24 12:30:57 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally Jan 24 12:30:57 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally Jan 24 12:31:02 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally Jan 24 12:31:02 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally Jan 24 12:31:02 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally Jan 24 12:31:07 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally Jan 24 12:31:07 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally Jan 24 12:31:12 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally Jan 24 12:31:12 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally Jan 24 12:31:12 linux-jh56 pulseaudio[1574]: [alsa-source-ALC892 Analog] asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse+owner@opensuse.org