I can see my wireless connection, however, it won't store my ESSID or my WEP Passphrase, and won't connect.
The problem was resolved by using WPA-PSK on the router vs. WEP. The passphrase wasn't accepted by using ASCII or HEX, HEX being preferred. STATIC DHCP and WIRELESS Setup was used on the router and the SUSE client was wireless network card, D-Link DWL-G650 Rev B4 (Not B3/B5) as indicated in the Yast Config. The problem was with WEP it would not connect before the profile loaded, or after it loaded, it would try to connect, see the router, but not issue an IP or display subnet info. WPA-PSK fixed this issue using a passphrase and supplying these credentials in YAST. The one thing that doesn't work plug and play is switching from a hard wired connection from the wireless connection. In other words, if you boot with the wireless it will work. Then if you switch over to hard-wired network it will work, but the wireless connection dies if you unplug the network cable physically, and doesn't even try to re-establish a connection. I'm a bit disappointed in that from a driver standpoint, however, not much I can do about that. I'm just happy it works. One other issue with using WEP 128 was it would try to connect and would not get past 28% and would timeout and disconnect. I tried everything -- knowing I needed security on my router and everything dependend on WEP and the only thing broken was the Atheros connection, I decided to try one last time using WPA-PSK which resolved the issue -- and in the long run is more secure. The precise security options used were; WPA-PSK [TKIP] + WPA2-PSK [AES] Hope that helped