-----Original Message----- From: Patrick Shanahan [mailto:ptilopteri@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 5:30 PM To: suse-linux-e@suse.com Subject: Re: [SLE] Perl and Perl Modules - YaST vs. CPAN(?)
* Marlier, Ian <ian.marlier@studentuniverse.com> [09-26-05 16:07]:
To wit: Perl has many, many modules. Some have their current
in RPM form; some have outdated versions in RPM form; some just have no version at all in RPM form.
However, all are available by way of CPAN.
I cannot tell you the _proper_ way, but I have had good luck *hunting* for specific modules this way:
I needed Term::ReadLine for an app I did rpm -qa|grep -i perl and looked at the rpm names which almost all read perl-module.... then searched for perl-TermReadLine
and found perl-TermReadLine-Gnu-1.14-2 via rpmseek.com
That was what I did until, one day....I went to build a perl app, which happened to require HTML::Mason 0.28 or greater. Now, HTML::Mason wasn't available as a SuSE package. Or rather, it was, but it was v. 0.13 of the module. So I went and found an RPM, which, upon installation, hosed most of perl (including YaST, which is based on perl!), and generally turned a fairly straightforward project into a massive debacle. That was what led me to the "forget RPM, CPAN is my friend" mindset. Now I'm trying to save myself from the wilderness :-)