-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Content-ID: <alpine.LSU.2.21.1802171930150.13255@Telcontar.valinor> On Saturday, 2018-02-17 at 21:57 +0800, George from the tribe wrote:
First, let me say thanks to everyone that contributes to the list. Though I don't often write, as this has been a busy year for me, I do try and keep up with the threads. The recent ones on the problems with nvidia and upgrading to 42.3 really helped me get through my upgrade when 42.2 support was over.
I just upgraded to 42.3 by means of zypper dup. After fixing the nvidia issue, my system is running well again.
However, something on one of the threads made me think that I might have some old packages that have been held over from 42.2? I don't know for sure. So this is my question - is there a way to find out?
Yes - it is on some post of that thread, I think.
All my repos are now 42.3 repos. I tried this command:
# zypper se -i -s * | grep System i+ | Desktop | application | | noarch | (System Packages) i+ | Desktop Containment | application | | noarch | (System Packages) i+ | KDE Plasma Desktop | application | | noarch | (System Packages) i+ | Kdenlive | application | | noarch | (System Packages) i+ | Show Desktop | application | | noarch | (System Packages) i | libwx_baseu-suse-nostl3 | package | 3.0.2-25.7 | x86_64 | (System Packages) i | libwx_baseu_net-suse-nostl3 | package | 3.0.2-25.7 | x86_64 | (System Packages) i | libwx_baseu_xml-suse-nostl3 | package | 3.0.2-25.7 | x86_64 | (System Packages) i | libwx_gtk2u_adv-suse-nostl3 | package | 3.0.2-25.7 | x86_64 | (System Packages) i | libwx_gtk2u_core-suse-nostl3 | package | 3.0.2-25.7 | x86_64 | (System Packages) i | libwx_gtk2u_html-suse-nostl3 | package | 3.0.2-25.7 | x86_64 | (System Packages) i | libwx_gtk2u_qa-suse-nostl3 | package | 3.0.2-25.7 | x86_64 | (System Packages) i | openSUSE-release-dvd | package | 42.3-1.202 | x86_64 | (System Packages)
I am just guessing on this one, that maybe things that are flagged as "System Packages" are items that are installed but are not registered as having come from any repository on my system.
Yeeess... but... Not quite. Not everything listed as "system package" is incorrect. For instance: you have (pseudo?) package "openSUSE-release-dvd", amrked as version "42.3-1.202", so it clearly is a 42.3 package. As the DVD is no longer an active repo in your system, that package is officially orphan and listed as "system package".
Any other ideas?
Yes. Run this: rpm -q -a --queryformat "%{INSTALLTIME}\t%{INSTALLTIME:day} \ %{BUILDTIME:day} %-30{NAME}\t%15{VERSION}-%-7{RELEASE}\t%{arch} \ %25{VENDOR}%25{PACKAGER} == %{DISTRIBUTION} %{DISTTAG}\n" \ | sort | cut --fields="2-" | tee rpmlist \ | egrep -v "openSUSE\ Leap\ 42\.3|openSUSE_Leap_42\.3" | less -S It will generate a list (saved also as file "rpmlist") with any package that was not created for 42.3 specifically. But I doubt you will find many, as you used "zypper dup". The online upgrade method is not as prone to that problem as the offline method is. Another method: Fire "yast2 --qt sw_single &" View: repositories tab. Select the @System repo. Secondary filter: unmaintained packages. Now slowly review the produced list. When you find a suspect, select it, and click on the "versions" tab. There you will see from what repository it came initially. Then you may decide to keep the package, delete it, or perhaps add the current version of the repo that contains it, to update that package. For instance, that list rpoduces in my machine now: libHalf12 - 16-bit floating-point encapsulation class for OpenEXR 16-bit floating-point encapsulation class for OpenEXR. and it came from packman, but it is no longer there. I click "delete", yast doesn't complain, so I go ahead and select another: libIex-2_2-12 - Exception handling library for OpenEXR Exception handling library for OpenEXR. This time YaST complain and says it wants to delete others because of dependencies. Ok, fine. That way I clean some orphaned packages (they happen all the time, not only after a system upgrade; typically with pacman). I see another: misfortune. But this one I keep, because I installed it manually without adding the repo. I want it. I can see in the "Installation Summary" what it is going to delete, and in this case, also to update automatically: libHalf23, libIex-2_2-23... Then I also click on every repo to see the "unmaintained packages" that might be. Sometimes there are some more. - -- Cheers, Carlos E. R. (from openSUSE 42.3 x86_64 "Malachite" at Telcontar) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iEYEARECAAYFAlqId7kACgkQtTMYHG2NR9U8pACaAzvubNcyrpnyjWzcGQv8Iei2 RZgAnjRLbE9xw04QA4fcRhaUl8iFdoK1 =xXZZ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----