Hi Well.. I believe that we should think more carefully, what is SuSE? To my opinion it is a company, that makes a very nice admin-software to a publicly available, GPL software, and puts them to a working pile of CD, and writes the documents, and keeps the web-pages up to date. So, the most part of the SW is actually written by someone else, that does not have *anything" to do with SuSE. These other pieces do have GPL licences, SuSE has not touched them. The part that SuSE does, does not need to be GPL, but can be if they want. I'm more then happy to pay the price they want for their product. It is in perfect relation between quality and price... Not like with some other companies. I might be wrong here in some degree, but this is roughly how I think it is. J. Tamminen
Is SuSE actually following GNU-GPL? always wondering¡¦ because I don¡¯t see any reliable GPL license quotations on their product for the past years¡¦
anything about?
Regards Fel
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