can't remember where i found this:
1. If there is an existing symbolic link titled 'java' in '/usr/lib', delete it by running:
rm /usr/lib/java If not, jsut go to Step 2.
2. To create / recreate the symbolic link to the j2re1.4.1 directory, run:
ln -s /usr/local/j2re1.4.0 /usr/lib/java
THANKS This hepled greatly after my frustration of having to update to both: j2sdk and j2re in order to run LimeWire Gnutella. One problem though,I did this, but then found nothing after typing "java -version" First i went to root/etc/sysconfig/java and changed this symbolic link. CREATE_JAVALINK="no" I then did rm /usr/lib/java ln -s /usr/local/j2re1.4.0 /usr/lib/java Lastly I had to do the following: 1."export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2re1.4.0.01 2."export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH My only problem with suse 8.0 so far.I'm not sure what the redundancies if any of my steps were, but LimeWire works. (not meant as an insult for the Deutche) but this sucked and the manuals are useless brochures nothing more. I gave them to my kid to cut-up and use now a 6.4 manual: a great linux book. And yes i checked all the help files too.The Gnuttella forums were a bloody nightmare with pranksters giving 3 page bash instructions on how to create a Desktop link to the SuSE(very funny stuff) It would be helpful to have a list of SuSE peculiarities. I think they are here on this very helpful list already though. Unfortuanetely i don't even like the LimeWire product now that it finally works and may try GTK Gnutella. Doing the above should get this product working and or update java.